Draft horses are cold-blooded, which in horses means they have a quiet and calm temperament. Horse clinician Clinton Anderson has said, "When was the last time you saw a spooky, reactive Belgian draft horse?" That's not to say they never spook. They are still horses and horses spook. It just takes more to rattle a draft horse than other types of horses.
There are people who ride draft horses, although I'm not one of them. Being vertically challenged, I need a mounting block to get on any size horse. I have a bumper sticker that reads: "Ride a draft... It'll make your butt look smaller!" and a t-shirt that reads: "Make your butt look smaller - ride a draft!" I love having the bumper sticker and the t-shirt, even if I don't ride a draft myself.
There is a horse rescue dedicated to saving drafts and draft crosses from slaughter, abuse and neglect. http://www.gentlegiantsdrafthorserescue.com/
Draft horses may not have the popularity they once had, but they're noble horses and deserve to be honored and used even in the 21st century.